News Archive
July 2024
I'll be at SIGGRAPH 2024. I'll be running a BoF on PhD student mentoring (submit topics for discussion here) and helping out with the thesis fast forward. Oh, and if you have a paper that features a creative use of the SIGGRAPH logo, don't forget to submit to the SIGGRAPH Logo Gallery. See you in Denver!
July 2024
New song out today on Spotify, Apple Music, and (eventually) other platforms.
July 2024
Paper (with fantastic SFU collaborators) about a new 3D scene dataset accepted to ECCV 2024! Code and data coming soon.
June 2024
I'll be at SGP on Saturday (6/22) teaching a course and again on Monday (6/24). Hit me up if you'd like to meet!
May 2024
New paper on visual concept learning accepted to ICML 2024!
April 2024
New paper on learning a single model for generating (and blending between) multiple procedural noise patterns accepted to SIGGRAPH 2024!
April 2024
Sean and Yuanbo are presenting two papers (one, two) at Eurographics 2024 this week. If you'll be in Cyprus, come say hi!
April 2024
In New York City for NYC Computer Vision Day.
February 2024
I got tenure!
December 2023
Two papers conditionally accepted to Eurographics 2024!
December 2023
Applications are open for our NSF summer REU site, Artificial Intelligence for Computational Creativity! The application deadline is February 2.
November 2023
New song out today on Spotify!
October 2023
My department is hiring in visual computing this year! Apply here. I'm co-chairing the search, so feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
October 2023
New paper on 3D shape retrieval (led by awesome collaborators at SFU) accepted to 3DV 2024!
October 2023
Applications are now open for the Spring 2024 edition of our exploreCSR program, Socially-Responsible Artificial Intelligence!
October 2023
I'll be at ICCV in Paris this upcoming week! I'll be speaking at the AID3CC and SHARP workshops on Monday & Tuesday, and my student Aditya and I have a paper with an oral presentation on Friday. Come say hi!
September 2023
My progressive metal one-man-band, Cognizer, just released a new EP! Check it out here.
August 2023
Two papers (conditionally) accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2023!
July 2023
One paper accepted to ICCV 2023!
May 2023
New paper on discovering abstractions for shape programs to appear at SIGGRAPH 2023.
March 2023
Check out our new state-of-the-art report (to be presented at Eurographics 2023) on Neurosymbolic Models for Computer Graphics.
March 2023
Two papers accepted to CVPR 2023!
December 2022
Check out the final project presentations from this semester's offering of CS 1230, Brown's introductory computer graphics course!
November 2022
Applications are open for our NSF summer REU site, Artificial Intelligence for Computational Creativity! The application deadline is February 1.
October 2022
New paper on recursively generating 3D shapes from text was accepted to NeurIPS
October 2022
Applications are now open for the 2022-2023 edition of our exploreCSR program, Socially-Responsible AI for Computational Creativity!
September 2022
Kenny Jones' paper on learning to decompose 3D shapes into regions of varying granularities was accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia!
August 2022
If you work on 3D generative models or their application to downstream vision tasks, submit to our ECCV '22 workshop "Learning to Generate 3D Shapes & Scenes!" The submission deadline is September 19.
August 2022
Check out The SIGGRAPH Logo Gallery, an interactive website I made to showcase creative figures from graphics research papers!
August 2022
The recording of my SGP '22 Summer School course, Learning to Represent Shapes with Programs, is now available.
July 2022
Kai Wang's paper (with Adobe Research) on generating 3D shapes by retrieving and assembling parts was accepted to ECCV 2022!
May 2022
Xianghao Xu's paper on unsupervised kinematic motion detection will be appearing at SIGGRAPH this summer!
March 2022
Applications are open for our NSF summer REU site, Artificial Intelligence for Computational Creativity! The application deadline is April 17.
March 2022
Two papers accepted to CVPR 2022!
February 2022
Hameed Abdul-Rashid, a former visiting student in my lab, just had the paper we worked on together accepted to ICRA--congrats, Ham!
January 2022
Check out Optimeet, a tool I built for coordinated scheduling of multiple meetings. I'm using it to schedule weekly meetings with my students each semester!
October 2021
I'll be giving an invited talk on "Learning to Infer and Generate Programs for 3D Shapes and Scenes" at two ICCV workshops: Holistic Structures for 3D Vision and Structural and Compositional Learning on 3D Data.
October 2021
Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 edition of our exploreCSR program, Socially-Responsible AI for Computational Creativity!
June 2021
One new paper conditionally accepted to SGP 2021!
March 2021
One new paper conditionally accepted to SIGGRAPH 2021!
March 2021
Xianghao Xu's paper (with Autodesk research) on inferring CAD modeling sequences was accepted to CVPR 2021.
February 2021
I'll be speaking at the 3DGV Seminar this Wednesday 2/17 at 2pm EST. It'll be live-streamed on YouTube and available to watch afterwards.
November 2020
Do you work in deep learning? Like Billy Joel songs? Check out the end-of-semester song from Brown's deep learning course.
November 2020
Applications are now open for our new exploreCSR program, Socially-Responsible AI for Computational Creativity! Learn more here.
October 2020
Two new papers accepted to 3DV 2020!
August 2020
Attending SIGGRAPH 2020? Drop by our BoF (Birds of a Feather) session Monday 8/24 at 11am Pacific Time to discuss the future of synthetic 3D indoor scene datasets.
July 2020
July 2020
Wallace Lira's work on image-to-image translation via multiple small "hops" has been accepted to ECCV 2020.
June 2020
Our CVPR 2020 workshop on Learning 3D Generative Models is coming up soon (6/14)! Submit questions for the panel discussion in advance using this Google form.
April 2020
The new Brown Visual Computing website is live! There are a couple of 'graphics-y' easter eggs on the page--see if you can find them 😉
March 2020
Won an NSF CAREER Award for work on Learning Neurosymbolic 3D Models.
March 2020
My PhD advisor, Pat Hanrahan, won a Turing Award!
February 2020
Check out our new state-of-the-art report (to be presented at Eurographics 2020) on Learning Generative Models of 3D Structures.
November 2019
PhD student Kai Wang announced as a recipient of the Adobe Research Fellowship. Congratulations, Kai!
October 2019
In Seoul, South Korea to present Yifan Liu's and Roulan Tang's work on style compatibility for Unity assets at Pacific Graphics.
May 2019
Paper on graph-based generative models for indoor scenes accepted to SIGGRAPH 2019.
March 2019
February 2019
I'll be presenting a tutorial on Learning Generative Models of 3D Structures at Eurographics 2019.
January 2019
I'm co-organizing a workshop on 3D Scene Generation at CVPR 2019.
December 2018
Yunchao Liu's work on inferring scene-generating programs from images accepted to ICLR 2019.
September 2018
Kevin Ellis's work on visual program induction from hand-drawn graph sketches accepted as a spotlight presentation at NeurIPS 2018.
August 2018
Aaron Gokaslan and Vivek Ramanujan's work on unsupervised image translation with large shape deformation to be presented at ECCV 2018.
March 2018
New paper on deep convolutional scene synthesis models accepted to SIGGRAPH 2018.
February 2018
Angela Dai's work on large-scale 3D scan completion accepted to CVPR 2018.
December 2017
New paper on learning procedural models from examples accepted to Eurographics 2018.
November 2017
Maxime Voisin's work on improved training for neural autoregressive data completion models accepted to the NIPS 2017 Bayesian Deep Learning Workshop.
October 2017
July 2017
Moved to Brown!
January 2017
Interview about Neurally-Guided Procedural Models on the AI Guild podcast.
October 2016
August 2016
July 2016
I will be starting as an Assistant Professor at the Brown University Computer Science Department in Fall 2017. I'm currently looking for students and postdocs; if you're interested in working with me, please contact me via email.