I am an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Brown University, where I co-lead the Brown Visual Computing group. My research sits at the intersection of computer graphics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning—especially how AI and ML tools can make the process of creating graphics content easier, more accessible, and more enjoyable. I'm particularly interested in technologies for creating, manipulating, and analyzing 3D shapes and scenes, and these days I'm excited about neurosymbolic methods for doing so (combining the best aspects of procedural models and deep neural networks). My research is funded by gifts from Adobe, Autodesk, Roblox, Pixar, and NVIDIA, as well as grants from DARPA and the National Science Foundation, including an NSF CAREER Award.

I received my PhD from Stanford University, where I worked with Pat Hanrahan in the Graphics Lab and with Noah Goodman in the Computation and Cognition Lab. I received my undergraduate degree from the University of California, Berkeley.

My Erdős number is 4 (Daniel Ritchie → Niloy Mitra → Leonidas Guibas → Boris Aronov → Paul Erdős). My Bacon number is 3, though only if you count all film credits, not just cast appearances (Daniel Ritchie → John Lasseter → Tom Hanks → Kevin Bacon). This (debatably) makes my Erdős-Bacon number 7.

March 2025
Aditya and Rao had papers accepted to CVPR 2025!
January 2025
New song out today on Spotify and (eventually) other platforms.
November 2024
Applications are open for our NSF summer REU site, Artificial Intelligence for Computational Creativity! The application deadline is February 3.
October 2024
Applications are now open for the Spring 2025 edition of our exploreCSR program, Socially-Responsible Artificial Intelligence!
September 2024
Kenny, Aditya, and Norman had their paper about inferring visual programs via a sequence of edits accepted to NeurIPS!